Periodontology is the discipline of dentistry principally concerned with the treatment of supporting structures of tooth. The Department of Periodontics was started with the B.D.S program in 1959 and M.D.S. course was started in the year 1972 with 2 PG seats and the number was increased to 3 PG seats in 1992 and 4 PG seats in 2012.The Department of Public Health Dentistry was under the Dept of Periodontics till 2012.The department is engaged in the teaching of Periodontics to both Undergraduate and Post Graduate students. Besides imparting the teaching to undergraduate & postgraduate students, the department is running 2 years full time Dental Hygienist course from 1962 0nwards. Diploma in Dental Operatory Room Assistance (DORA )course was started in 2011 and they are given necessary training in our department.Clinical skills training in non-surgical and preventive periodontal procedures and opportunities to learn and master a variety of periodontal surgical and implant procedures has been at the core of the department’s objectives. Students are trained to recognize and treat periodontal diseases at all stages of severity and in combination with other phases of dental care.The department provides various treatment facilities like scaling, root planing, splinting, gingivectomy, flap surgeries, mucogingival surgeries and dental implants. The department is involved in many research projects and has many publications in national and international journals. Basic, clinical and translational research under the guidance of experienced faculty has enabled students to opt for a career in research and academics.The department regularly conducts and participates in CDE programs where topics of academic interest are discussed.
The department is equipped with 35 modern dental chairs with 20 ultrasonic scalers. The department has latest equipments like implant units, dental operating microscopes, piezo surgical units, Electrocautery unit, lasers, PRP machine etc. The Department has a library comprising more than 40 books, and a seminar hall with all modern audio visual aids. The department is equipped with computer, printer, scanner and internet facility.
The Implant system equipment was installed in the department in the year 2002 and numerous implant cases are managing every year. Laser
The treatment with laser started in the year 2009 and continuing till date. Surgical and nonsurgical treatments are carried out with laser. Many researches have been done in laser. Piezosurgery
Peizosurgery was started in the year 2011. Many surgeries are being done with the peizosurgical unit. Microsurgery
Surgical procedures are being done with microsurgical loupes from 2013 onwards. Surgical Operating microscope was installed in the year 2019 and henceforth surgical procedures like periodontal plastic surgery are done using the same. Blood and blood related equipments
Surgical procedures with PRF were started from the year 2012 and continuing till date. The newer advancement of automatic PRF centrifuge is also available in the department.